Forbidden uses

  1. Anything considered illegal in the United States.
  2. Copyrighted content or files you do not have rights to upload.
  3. Any form of pornography, including illustrations such as anime.
  4. Uploads to be hotlinked as web resources (CDN).
  5. Uploads to be used for malicious acts such as email spam.
  6. Discriminative content such as racism or sexism.
  7. Propaganda such as terrorism or fascist groups.
  8. Personal information including passports or driving licenses.
  9. Spam/mass uploading.

Violations and/or abuse of any kind will result in the relevant images being removed and your IP blocked.

Storage limitation

We currently don't shows ads anywhere on our website, so the costs incurred from domains and/or servers are out of pocket. If the unlikely time comes where more funds are necessary, we may implement ads.

Cookie policy

Using our service may require us to add cookies in your browser, none of which are used for external tracking or any other purpose that threatens privacy.

Privacy policy

We will never share your information and/or uploads with anyone unless required by law enforcement.

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Bạn cũng có thể tải lên từ máy tính.
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Đã tải nội dung lên .
Với nội dung vừa được tải lên, bạn có thể tạo folder mới. Bạn phải tạo tài khoản hoặc đăng nhập để lưu nội dung này vào tài khoản của bạn.
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